Project Guide

Guide for completing the term project required for SKEE2263 Sistem Digit course.

Basically, you must complete 6 tasks, at the end of each you'll achieve a milestone.

Milestones 1 is the same for everybody.

For the actual project, go through Milestones 2-6. 

Choose a project topic from the topics listed here

In simple terms, you will perform top-down design and bottom-up implementation

For the top-down design part, understand the overall circuit design which consists a datapath unit and a control unit. The datapath unit contains many modules. Break the design into smaller and smaller components until you reach a level suitable for schematic capture design entry.

Then, perform the bottom-up implementation task.

The master document for the semester project is here.

A tutorial for implementing a serial adder is here. You can use it as a template for your final report.